Repository with Monte Carlo simulations for particle physics
- Apr 15, 2019: Moving to globus (petrel)
- Sep.10 2018: Zprime/DM event samples
- Mar.15 2018: Charged Higgs event samples
- Sep,22 2017: Z+Higgs → nunu+XX event samples
- Sep,15 2017: Higgs → mu+mu- event samples
- Sep,10 2017: rfull059 tag with improved tracking strategy
- Aug.25, 2017: rfull300 for the DPF (ATLAS/CMS -like) detector
- Aug.7, 2017: J/Psi and Upsilon(S1) event samples for ep 45 GeV
- Jun.29, 2017: rfull058 tag with improved tracking strategy from D.Blyth
- Jun.20, 2017: rfull057 tag with alternative tracking strategy from D.Blyth
- Jun.9, 2017: Reprocessing rfull009 - rfull015 tags after correcting timing problem in SLIC. Using modifications for low-memory footprint
- Jun.9, 2017: Reprocessing rfull009 - rfull015 tags after correcting timing problem in SLIC. Using modifications for low-memory footprint
- May.16, 2017: Production of rfull056 using SiEIC(v5) detector for EIC
- Apr.30, 2017: CLIC 3 TeV e+e- samples using Pythia8
- Apr.20, 2017: Started production of ep 35 GeV samples
- Apr.13, 2017: New rfull015 with Geant10.3p1 using SiFCC(v7)
- Apr.3, 2017: rfull054 and rfull055 using SiEIC(v4) detector
- Feb.3, 2017: CLIC event samples for e+e- at 380 GeV. Link to events
- Feb.1, 2017: Updated rfull053 using SiEIC(v3) detector including track timing
- Nov.12, 2016: Production of rfull053 using SiEIC(v3) detector for EIC
- Nov.2, 2016: Production of rfull101 using SiCEPC(v2) detector for CEPC
- Nov.2, 2016: Production of Higgs+V for different CM energies (8-100 TeV pp)
- Oct.31,2016: Production of rfull052 using SiEIC(v2) detector for EIC
- Oct.14, 2016: Production of rfast005 for FCC-hh (pp 100 TeV) using Delphes-3.3.3
- Sep.23, 2016: Production of rfull051 using SiEIC(v1) detector for EIC
- Sep.15, 2016: Z'(5 TeV) to different channels using several SiFCC(v7) geometries
- Aug.28, 2016: rfull010, rfull011, rfull012and rfull013 for SiFCC(v7) using HCAL cells from 1 to 20 cm
- Aug.11, 2016: Production of rfull009 for 100 TeV (pp) with SiFCC-hh (v7) detector using new Pandora
- Aug.9, 2016: OSG grid pack with new (fast) PandoraPFA from J.Marshall
- Jul.27, 2016: Simulation of SiFCC-hh (v7) detector for 100 TeV (pp) (rfull008)
- Jul.24, 2016: Inclusive jets (100 TeV pp) tev100_qcd_pythia8_ptall
- Jul.13, 2016: Increase in statistics for ttbar+b (13 TeV pp) to 2.1 ab-1 tev13_mg5_ttbar_bjet
- Jun.20, 2016: Samples with single and double K-long for calorimeter studies. See KL samples
- May 19, 2016: Creating rfull007 for the SiFCC-hh (v5) detector with coarse HCAL granularity
- May 19, 2016: Re-processing rfull006 for SiFCC-hh (v4) after fixing endcap.
- Apr 8, 2016: H+ttbar (MG5) for 13 TeV (pp) (link)
- Apr 3, 2016: A new tag for fast simulation of 14 TeV (pp) (rfast004)
- Mar.29, 2016: Simulation of SiFCC-hh (v4) detector for 100 TeV (pp) (rfull006)
- Mar.26, 2016. All data sources were redirected to OSG due to a problem at ANL
- Mar.9, 2016: Fast simulation of ttbar+N jet process (pp, 14 TeV, MG5) (link)
- Mar.4, 2016: Full simulation of SiFCC-hh (v3) detector for 100 TeV (pp) (rfull005)
- Feb.5, 2016: Single particles for ITK studies (ATLAS phase II upgrade) (link)
- Feb.1, 2016: Z' with M=10,20,40 TeV decaying to qqbar, ttbar, WW for full simulations (link)
- Jan.19, 2016: 10 TeV Z' using a full simulation with 40 and 64 HCAL layers (link)
- Jan.14, 2016: TTbar+N jet process (pp, 14 TeV, MG5) (link)
- Jan.06, 2016: Heavy Higgs simulation (mu+mu-, 5 TeV) (link)
- Dec.17, 2015: Full SiD detector simulation of Zprime (10 TeV) to WW (link)
- Dec.17, 2015: Heavy higgs simulation for pp at 100 TeV (link)
- Dec.07, 2015: Full SiD detector simulation of Zprime to tautau (link)
- Nov.25, 2015: Particle gun samples for detector performance studies (pgun)
- Nov.18, 2015: Simulation of ttbar+bjet at 13,14,100 TeV (mg5_ttbar_bjet)
- Nov.9, 2015: Full simulation for e+e- (250 GeV) for SiD-CC (rfull002)
- Nov.6, 2015: Fast simulation of DIS events for EIC (141gev%rfast001)
- Oct.22, 2015: DIS events at the EIC collider (141 GeV)
- Oct.16, 2015: Delphes 3.3 fast simulation for ATLAS-like (13tev%rfast002) and CMS-like (13tev%rfast003) detectors. Same for 14 TeV.
- Oct.16, 2015: b-tagging was corrected for the tag rfast002
- Oct.15, 2015: Please update hs-toolkit.tgz
- Oct.9, 2015: Delphes 3.3 simulation of pp events (100 TeV) using the FCC detector (rfast002)
- Oct.6, 2015: Full simulation. e+e- events (250 GeV) for the SiD detector (rfull001)
- Sep.27, 2015: Fast simulation. e+e- events (250 GeV) for the ILD detector (rfast001)
Information about the "sifcch10" detector
Name: |
Title: |
A silicon Detector for FCC-hh studies. Described in JINST 12 (2017) P06009 (arXiv:1612.07291)
Author: |
S.Chekanov, A.Kotwal, J.Zuzelski, etc.
Status: |
Version: |
$Id: compact.xml,v3.0 2016/08/09 23:46:56 Sergei Chekanov Exp $
Level: |
Geant4 simulation and full event reconstruction
Summary: | view |
Calibrations: | view |
Tracking: | view |
Last modified: |
September 07, 2017
Reconstruction tags
Detector geometry files
Download of complete detector
This is FCC-h like detector based on the Silicon Detector (SiD). Currently it is smaller than the baseline design (similar to ATLAS detector), but it features large solenoid field (5T) and high-granullar tracker and calorimeters. It includes several modification to allow high-pT measurements at FCC-hh. In particular, it has 64 layers for HCAL with 5x5 cm (RegularNgonCartesianGridXY) cell size using scintillators, and ECAL based on 2x2 cm cell size (EcalBarrelCartesianGridXY). ECAL is close to 35 X0. HCAL is 11.25 interaction length (lambda), 0.176 lambda/layer. The total calorimeter thickness is about 12 lambda. The total size of the calorimeter is increased by a factor of 2 for the z-axis, compared to SiD.
The total size of the detector is increased by a factor of 2 for the radius, and a factor of 3 for the z-axis (in comparison with the sidloi3 detector) making the total 2m in radi and 6m in length.
The inner Vertex Barrel is unchanged as is the beampipe vacume.
The inner Vertex Endcap Modules are increased in Z by varrying factors and increased in inner (and outer) radius as to not intersect the beampipe; additional modules were added to decrease gaps and increase accuracy.
The outer vertex tracking is increased by a factor 3 in Z compared to the SiD, the outer traBeamPipeVacuumcker was also increased to provide a good coverage in the barrel region. The tracker barrel modules are also increased by varrying amounts per layer to decrease gaps and and increase accuracy.
The outer endcaps are moved away by a factor 3 and increased in radius by a factor of 1.6.
Some of the outer VertexReadouts are scaled by 3 in Z and by 1.6 in radius. This version is based on fastPandora
Most all supports are scaled to fit their components. Min number of hits for track reconstruction is above 6. Min pT for tracks is 500 MeV. Mip values were for ECAL/HCAL were corrected based on single muon samples. Unlike other releases, this detector uses fast PandoraPFA (latest version) using fpadsim-1.1 simulation packages. The changes were done by John Marshall. Please check config/ for settings used by Pandora.
This geometry exactly as sifcc7, but HCAL cell size is 1 x 1 cm (very fine). This detector is described in .V. Chekanov, M. Beydler, A.V. Kotwal, L. Gray, S. Sen, N.V. Tran, S.-S. Yu, J. Zuzelski. Initial performance studies of a general-purpose detector for multi-TeV physics at a 100 TeV pp collider. Dec 2016, https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.07291. Published as JINST 12 (2017) P06009.