
Repository with Monte Carlo simulations for particle physics

Dataset: "tev100pp_minbias_a2_pythia8"

Summary Comments
Name: tev100pp_minbias_a2_pythia8
Collisions: pp
CM Energy: 100 TeV
Entry ID: 112
Topic: SM
Generator: PYTHIA8
Calculation level: LO+PS+hadronisation
Process: MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A2
Total events: 600000
Number of files: 10
Cross section (σ): 1.071E+11 ± 215.3000 pb Estimated from file Nr 1
Luminosity (L): 5.602E-06 pb-1   (or)   5.602E-09 fb-1   (or)   0 ab-1
Format: ProMC
Download URL: http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/pp/100tev/minbias_a2_pythia8/ Status: Not available. Server error?
Mirrors: http://portal.nersc.gov/project/m1758/data/events/pp/100tev/minbias_a2_pythia8/
EVGEN size: 1.4 GB
  Reconstruction tag Tags:
Fast simulation: rfast005 | Info
10 / 1.42 GB
 rfast002 | Info
10 / 0.97 GB
 rfast001 | Info
5 / 0.49 GB
Full simulation:
Fast/Full size: 2.89 GB
Record slimmed: Yes
Events weighted: No
Submission time: Fri Jun 5 12:24:43 EDT 2015
Updated on: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969
MinBias events used to mix with signal processes. 60k events per file. Pythia8 Minimum bias (ND+SD+DD) sample with ATLAS MB Tune A2-MSTW2008LO tune, i.e. events include non-diffractive, single diffractive and double diffractive events. Events are slimmed with pT>0.4 GeV cut

Input settings

.. input =ApplyParticleSlim=on
.. input =Beams:idA = 2212
.. input =Beams:idB = 2212
.. input =ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on
.. input =ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10
.. input =Tune:pp = 8
.. input =PDF:pSet = LHAPDF6:MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:bProfile = 4
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:a1 = 0.03
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.90
.. input =MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow = 0.30
.. input =SpaceShower:rapidityOrder=0
.. input =SoftQCD:all = off
.. input =SoftQCD:inelastic = on
.. input =PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 10   # min pT
.. input =PhaseSpace:pTHatMax = 20000   # max pT

File metadata:
ProMC version: 4; Nr events: 60000; Varint E: 10000; Varint L: 10000; Logfile: logfile.txt; Last modified: 2015-05-30 01:58:46; Settings: PYTHIA-8.205; EventsNumber=60000;ApplyParticleSlim = on;Random:setSeed = on;Random:seed = 0;Beams:idA = 2212;Beams:idB = 2212;Beams:eCM = 100000.;HardQCD:all = off;ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on;ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10;Tune:pp = 8;PDF:pSet = LHAPDF6:MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid;MultipartonInteractions:bProfile = 4;MultipartonInteractions:a1 = 0.03;MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref = 1.90;MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow = 0.30;SpaceShower:rapidityOrder=0;SoftQCD:all = off;SoftQCD:inelastic = on;PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 10 # min pT;PhaseSpace:pTHatMax = 20000 # max pT;PhaseSpace:mHatMin = 10 # min mHat;PhaseSpace:mHatMax = 200000 # max mHat;

Nr Analysis code Output image Output data
Author: S.Chekanov


JLAB.ORG (read only)