Repository with Monte Carlo simulations for particle physics
- Apr 15, 2019: Moving to globus (petrel)
- Sep.10 2018: Zprime/DM event samples
- Mar.15 2018: Charged Higgs event samples
- Sep,22 2017: Z+Higgs → nunu+XX event samples
- Sep,15 2017: Higgs → mu+mu- event samples
- Sep,10 2017: rfull059 tag with improved tracking strategy
- Aug.25, 2017: rfull300 for the DPF (ATLAS/CMS -like) detector
- Aug.7, 2017: J/Psi and Upsilon(S1) event samples for ep 45 GeV
- Jun.29, 2017: rfull058 tag with improved tracking strategy from D.Blyth
- Jun.20, 2017: rfull057 tag with alternative tracking strategy from D.Blyth
- Jun.9, 2017: Reprocessing rfull009 - rfull015 tags after correcting timing problem in SLIC. Using modifications for low-memory footprint
- Jun.9, 2017: Reprocessing rfull009 - rfull015 tags after correcting timing problem in SLIC. Using modifications for low-memory footprint
- May.16, 2017: Production of rfull056 using SiEIC(v5) detector for EIC
- Apr.30, 2017: CLIC 3 TeV e+e- samples using Pythia8
- Apr.20, 2017: Started production of ep 35 GeV samples
- Apr.13, 2017: New rfull015 with Geant10.3p1 using SiFCC(v7)
- Apr.3, 2017: rfull054 and rfull055 using SiEIC(v4) detector
- Feb.3, 2017: CLIC event samples for e+e- at 380 GeV. Link to events
- Feb.1, 2017: Updated rfull053 using SiEIC(v3) detector including track timing
- Nov.12, 2016: Production of rfull053 using SiEIC(v3) detector for EIC
- Nov.2, 2016: Production of rfull101 using SiCEPC(v2) detector for CEPC
- Nov.2, 2016: Production of Higgs+V for different CM energies (8-100 TeV pp)
- Oct.31,2016: Production of rfull052 using SiEIC(v2) detector for EIC
- Oct.14, 2016: Production of rfast005 for FCC-hh (pp 100 TeV) using Delphes-3.3.3
- Sep.23, 2016: Production of rfull051 using SiEIC(v1) detector for EIC
- Sep.15, 2016: Z'(5 TeV) to different channels using several SiFCC(v7) geometries
- Aug.28, 2016: rfull010, rfull011, rfull012and rfull013 for SiFCC(v7) using HCAL cells from 1 to 20 cm
- Aug.11, 2016: Production of rfull009 for 100 TeV (pp) with SiFCC-hh (v7) detector using new Pandora
- Aug.9, 2016: OSG grid pack with new (fast) PandoraPFA from J.Marshall
- Jul.27, 2016: Simulation of SiFCC-hh (v7) detector for 100 TeV (pp) (rfull008)
- Jul.24, 2016: Inclusive jets (100 TeV pp) tev100_qcd_pythia8_ptall
- Jul.13, 2016: Increase in statistics for ttbar+b (13 TeV pp) to 2.1 ab-1 tev13_mg5_ttbar_bjet
- Jun.20, 2016: Samples with single and double K-long for calorimeter studies. See KL samples
- May 19, 2016: Creating rfull007 for the SiFCC-hh (v5) detector with coarse HCAL granularity
- May 19, 2016: Re-processing rfull006 for SiFCC-hh (v4) after fixing endcap.
- Apr 8, 2016: H+ttbar (MG5) for 13 TeV (pp) (link)
- Apr 3, 2016: A new tag for fast simulation of 14 TeV (pp) (rfast004)
- Mar.29, 2016: Simulation of SiFCC-hh (v4) detector for 100 TeV (pp) (rfull006)
- Mar.26, 2016. All data sources were redirected to OSG due to a problem at ANL
- Mar.9, 2016: Fast simulation of ttbar+N jet process (pp, 14 TeV, MG5) (link)
- Mar.4, 2016: Full simulation of SiFCC-hh (v3) detector for 100 TeV (pp) (rfull005)
- Feb.5, 2016: Single particles for ITK studies (ATLAS phase II upgrade) (link)
- Feb.1, 2016: Z' with M=10,20,40 TeV decaying to qqbar, ttbar, WW for full simulations (link)
- Jan.19, 2016: 10 TeV Z' using a full simulation with 40 and 64 HCAL layers (link)
- Jan.14, 2016: TTbar+N jet process (pp, 14 TeV, MG5) (link)
- Jan.06, 2016: Heavy Higgs simulation (mu+mu-, 5 TeV) (link)
- Dec.17, 2015: Full SiD detector simulation of Zprime (10 TeV) to WW (link)
- Dec.17, 2015: Heavy higgs simulation for pp at 100 TeV (link)
- Dec.07, 2015: Full SiD detector simulation of Zprime to tautau (link)
- Nov.25, 2015: Particle gun samples for detector performance studies (pgun)
- Nov.18, 2015: Simulation of ttbar+bjet at 13,14,100 TeV (mg5_ttbar_bjet)
- Nov.9, 2015: Full simulation for e+e- (250 GeV) for SiD-CC (rfull002)
- Nov.6, 2015: Fast simulation of DIS events for EIC (141gev%rfast001)
- Oct.22, 2015: DIS events at the EIC collider (141 GeV)
- Oct.16, 2015: Delphes 3.3 fast simulation for ATLAS-like (13tev%rfast002) and CMS-like (13tev%rfast003) detectors. Same for 14 TeV.
- Oct.16, 2015: b-tagging was corrected for the tag rfast002
- Oct.15, 2015: Please update hs-toolkit.tgz
- Oct.9, 2015: Delphes 3.3 simulation of pp events (100 TeV) using the FCC detector (rfast002)
- Oct.6, 2015: Full simulation. e+e- events (250 GeV) for the SiD detector (rfull001)
- Sep.27, 2015: Fast simulation. e+e- events (250 GeV) for the ILD detector (rfast001)
Note: ./cache/ is not writable on this server
Here are a few options showing how to run
qcd_pythia8_pt900.py code over data in the
file format.
This example is given for validation purposes. For a full analysis, download data with the "hs-get" command.
See the
HepSim manual explaining how to run a C++ code.
(1) Using JavaWeb start
Does not run? Look at help:
Help page
(2) Using the hs-toolkit package in a GUI mode
hs-ide http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/pp/100tev/qcd_pythia8_pt/qcd_pythia8_pt900/macros/qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
Windows OS, click "hs-ide.bat" instead and open the file using "File-Open".
(3) Using the hs-toolkit in a batch mode:
wget http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/pp/100tev/qcd_pythia8_pt/qcd_pythia8_pt900/macros/qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
hs-run qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
(4) Using Jas4pp in a batch mode
wget http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/pp/100tev/qcd_pythia8_pt/qcd_pythia8_pt900/macros/qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
fpad qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
(5) Using Jas4pp in a GUI mode
wget http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/pp/100tev/qcd_pythia8_pt/qcd_pythia8_pt900/macros/qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
jaspp qcd_pythia8_pt900.py
Windows OS, click "jaspp.bat" instead and open the script using the File Menu of Jas4pp. Use the right mouse button to pop-up a drop-down menu and select "Run Script [F2]"