
Repository with Monte Carlo simulations for particle physics

Reconstruction tag Information about the "rfast001" production tag


Name: rfast001
Detector: delphes_fcchh1
Description: FCC-hh detector
Experiment: FCC-hh, SppC
Simulation: Delphes 3.2
Reconstruction: Delphes 3.2
Download: rfast001.tgz
Submission time: Tue Mar 21 19:33:08 EDT 2017
Updated on: -
Submitter: H.Gray, F.Moortgat, S.Chekanov

Available data:

Find data: Reconstruction tag rfast001


FCC proposed detector. Sep. 2015. taus reconstruction is removed to deal with input slimmed records. based on Delphes 3.3 (Oct. 2015)


JLAB.ORG (read only)