
Repository with Monte Carlo simulations for particle physics

Reconstruction tag Information about the "rfull054" production tag


Name: rfull054
Detector: sieic4
Description: SiEIC detector based on "all-silicon" concept
Experiment: EIC
Simulation: SLIC (v05)
Reconstruction: fpadsim-1.2 on OSG: lcsim 4.0, slicPandora, pandoraPFA
Download: rfull054.tgz
Submission time: Tue Mar 21 19:33:08 EDT 2017
Updated on: -
Submitter: S.Chekanov

Available data:

Find data: Reconstruction tag rfull054


This is a reduced version of SiD with 2.5T solenoid field, smaller ECAL/HCAL and muon system. This version is identical to SiEIC1, but min number of track hits was moved from 7 to 5, to get high efficiency in the forward. It has 25 layers of ECAL. Designed for ANL LDRD.


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