
Repository with Monte Carlo simulations for particle physics

Reconstruction tag Information about the "rfull014" production tag


Name: rfull014
Detector: sifcch12
Description: SiFCC detector based on the "all-silicon" concept used for the SiD detector.
Experiment: FCC-hh, SppC
Simulation: SLIC (v5.0.0)
Reconstruction: fpadsim-1.1 on OSG: lcsim 3.2, slicPandora, pandoraPFA
Download: rfull014.tgz
Submission time: Tue Mar 21 19:33:08 EDT 2017
Updated on: -
Submitter: S.Chekanov, A.Kotwal

Available data:

Find data: Reconstruction tag rfull014


Similar to tag rfull009 but with relaxed MIP and timing cuts on calorimeter hits. The cut was moved to 500ns, but the minimum value of mips did not change. Also, lcsim includes timing info on tracks from fpadsim-1.2.

Used in S.V. Chekanov, M. Beydler, A.V. Kotwal, L. Gray, S. Sen, N.V. Tran, S.-S. Yu, J. Zuzelski, Initial performance studies of a general-purpose detector for multi-TeV physics at a 100 TeV pp collider. Dec 2016. Available as https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.07291, ANL-HEP-132458, FERMILAB-PUB-17-064-CMS-E


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